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Chat Log for UnrealUS UT2004 [ut.unreal.us] - DM-U4E-GraveyardHills_v3
on Wed, Dec 07 2005 at 10:30:00 PM
Minutes Player Text
-0.14 Panther Connected
0.00 Game Start
5.18 Uther Connected
5.51 Uther *wakes up*
5.55 Panther Ah, you made it!
5.67 Panther A few downloads on this one.
5.80 Uther interesting map
6.21 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
6.44 Panther Careful of falls and guillotines.
6.84 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
6.86 Panther Watch out for that bomb.
6.95 Panther Bomb darts.
7.00 Panther They're fun.
7.12 Panther I don't know how to get rid of them once you're tagged.
7.21 Panther Are you familiar with the BFG?
7.42 Uther ummm, prolly don't wanna be
7.70 Panther It's from Doom.
7.77 Panther Doom II.
7.83 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
9.09 Panther Suicided
9.09 Panther Disconnected
9.17 Uther Died from a BFG
9.39 Panther Connected
9.54 Panther My weapon seems to have crashed.
10.69 Panther Killed Uther with a Freezer
12.72 Panther Killed Uther with a Dollbomb
12.73 Panther Suicided with a Dollbomb
12.77 Panther Ow
12.80 Uther hmmmm
12.97 Panther Now THAT'S a nuke!
13.29 Uther Killed Panther with a Reaper
13.34 Panther Ouch.
13.42 Panther You cut my leg off!
13.54 Uther lol
13.89 Panther Killed Uther with a Grenade Launcher
14.42 Uther Killed Panther with a Beretta
14.51 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
15.02 Panther Killed Uther with a Reaper
15.10 Panther Ha!
15.14 Panther Now I have your leg!
15.30 Uther Suicided
15.51 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
16.52 Uther Suicided with a Grenade Launcher
16.65 Panther lol
17.60 Panther Okay, I have to show you something.
19.93 Panther <waves>
19.95 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
20.70 Panther Okay, now shall I show you?
20.80 Uther sure
20.87 Panther That airblast you had - do you have one now?
20.94 Uther no
21.00 Panther Get one.
21.04 Panther At top.
21.62 Panther The primary blows people away from you.
21.70 Panther The secondary however....
21.82 Panther point it upwards and hit the secondary (hold it).
22.04 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
22.15 Uther interesting
22.24 Panther You may need to work on it a bit.
22.54 Panther Pretty.
22.61 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
23.20 Panther Killed Uther with a Dollbomb
23.35 Uther no fair, I killed that doll first
23.42 Panther lol
23.51 Panther It blows up when you shoot them.
23.69 Panther Suicided with a Dollbomb
23.85 Panther Okay, it also blows up when I hit the secondary.
24.13 Uther Fell to their death
24.34 Uther don't land on top of a spiked fence . . .
25.13 Panther Ooops.
25.18 Panther Almost out of fuel.
25.74 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
25.84 Uther nice
26.30 Panther Killed Uther with a Beretta
26.95 Panther Killed Uther with an Unknown Weapon
27.11 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
27.97 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
30.46 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
31.64 Panther Died from an Unknown Weapon
31.96 Panther Died from an Unknown Weapon
33.35 Uther Suicided with a Dollbomb
33.53 Uther I figgered they threw farther
33.69 Panther They drop.
34.14 Panther Killed Uther with an Unknown Weapon
34.31 Panther Gotta like the quicksilver and fast fire mode.
35.82 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
36.18 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
36.24 Uther forgot to jump :(
36.70 Uther Killed Panther with a Beretta
36.77 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
36.81 Panther Trying to figure out what that does.
36.93 Panther Haven't figured it out yet.
36.96 Uther the antigrav?
37.00 Yar Connected
37.28 Panther It does not appear to be a weapon.
37.34 Uther Killed Yar with a Beretta
37.39 Uther Killed Panther with a Beretta
37.47 Panther
37.59 Panther Oh, someone else in the game.
37.69 Uther aye
37.76 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
38.10 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
39.47 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
39.52 Panther Killed Yar with a FleshBomb Rifle
39.65 Uther Suicided with a Grenade Launcher
39.84 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
39.98 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
40.20 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
40.56 Yar Killed Uther with an Airblast
41.15 Panther Killed Yar with a Dollbomb
41.34 Panther That was VERY close.
41.96 Panther Killed Uther with a Beretta
42.66 Uther Suicided
43.31 Panther Killed Uther with a Phasor
43.38 Panther Cool!
43.44 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
43.92 Uther Killed Yar with a Phasor
43.96 Uther Killed Panther with a Phasor
44.01 Panther lol
44.28 Uther Killed Yar with a Phasor
44.38 Uther Suicided
44.74 Panther Killed Yar with a Beretta
44.82 Panther crap
44.84 Panther Died from an Unknown Weapon
44.96 Panther Killed Uther with a Reaper
45.11 Panther Killed Yar with a Grenade Launcher
45.11 Panther Suicided with a Grenade Launcher
45.34 Panther Killed Uther with a Beretta
45.59 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
46.84 Panther Suicided with a Grenade Launcher
46.87 Uther Killed Yar with an Assault Rifle
47.06 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
47.45 Uther Killed Yar with an Assault Rifle
47.56 Yar ?
47.62 Panther Killed Uther with a Reaper
47.71 Uther nice shot
48.13 Panther Killed Uther with a Reaper
48.13 Panther Killed Yar with a Reaper
48.56 Yar Killed Uther with a Bubble Gun
49.09 Uther Killed Panther with a Reaper
49.74 Panther Killed Yar with a Beretta
49.95 Panther Killed Uther with a Beretta
50.52 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
50.53 Panther Killed Yar with a FleshBomb Rifle
50.62 Yar ow
51.04 Panther Killed Yar with a FleshBomb Rifle
51.24 Panther I wonder how you can stop the explosion from those.
51.64 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
52.06 Uther Died from an Unknown Weapon
52.93 Yar Died from an Unknown Weapon
53.31 Yar Suicided
53.31 Yar Disconnected
54.33 Panther Killed Uther with a Grenade Launcher
54.45 Uther happy fun ball??
54.72 Panther <shrug>
54.79 Panther I had fun with it.
55.14 Uther Killed Panther with a Beretta
55.22 Panther What was that???
55.30 Uther beretta
55.33 Panther That was a tremendous amount of damage.
55.38 Uther with damage multiplier
55.42 Panther 150 armor / 108 health
56.25 Panther Killed Uther with a Grenade Launcher
56.76 Panther Killed Uther with a FleshBomb Rifle
56.76 Game Ended - Frag Limit
56.91 Panther Ugh, enough for me!
56.93 Uther Nice map, but I am definately done
56.95 Panther Getting sick.
58.10 Map Vote succeeded for ''

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