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Totals Logged
Frags Kills Deaths Suicides Matches Game Hours Player Hours
12262 14820 14820 2558 362 515.3 193.5

Total Matches Played by Type
Game (Type) Number Game Hours Player Hours
Capture the Flag 17 2.8 7.0
Assault 42 2.0 4.5
Tournament DeathMatch 303 510.5 182.0
Totals 362 515.3 193.5

Career Highs
Category Player Score Matches Hours
Most Frags Panther 5573 253 53.6
Most Kills Panther 5941 253 53.6
Most Deaths The_Kid 2146 167 28.7
Most Suicides Panther 368 252 53.5
Most Wins Panther 215 253 53.6
Most Team Wins Baudzilla 55 72 14.0
Most Head Shots Panther 1860 253 53.6
Highest FPH Lucky_Star 192.5 7 0.9
Most First Blood Panther 120 252 53.5
Most Carjackings   0 0 0.0
Most Road Kills   0 0 0.0

Weapon Specials
Category Player Score Matches Hours

Multi Kills
Category Player Score Matches Hours
Most Double Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Multi Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Mega Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Ultra Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Monster Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Ludicrous Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Holy Shit Kills   0 0 0.0

Killing Sprees
Category Player Score Matches Hours
Most Killing Sprees Panther 258 252 53.5
Most Rampages Panther 85 247 52.0
Most Dominating Panther 42 251 53.1
Most Unstoppable Panther 18 253 53.6
Most Godlike Panther 25 246 51.9
Most Wicked Sick Panther 3 21 5.0

Game Type Specific
Category Player Score Matches Hours
Most Flag Captures Baudzilla 213 72 14.0
Most Flag Returns Baudzilla 217 72 14.0
Most Flag Kills Baudzilla 216 72 14.0
Most Control Point Captures   0 0 0.0
Most Bombs Delivered (Carried)   0 0 0.0
Most Bombs Delivered (Tossed)   0 0 0.0
Most Bomb Kills   0 0 0.0
Most Nodes Constructed   0 0 0.0
Most Nodes Destroyed   0 0 0.0
Most Constructing Nodes Destroyed   0 0 0.0

Most Career Kills with a Weapon
Weapon Player Kills Matches Hours
Sniper Rifle Panther 2428 139 19.1
Flak Cannon Panther 1024 166 28.6
Minigun Panther 591 139 19.1
Rocket Launcher Panther 528 139 19.1
Redeemer Panther 418 139 19.1
Double Enforcer Panther 222 135 18.1
Enforcer Panther 195 166 28.6
ASMD Shock Rifle Panther 135 139 19.1
Pulse Gun Panther 125 126 17.0
Ripper Panther 101 139 19.1
Impact Hammer Muze 73 76 11.5
GES Bio Rifle The_Kid 47 240 50.4
Enhanced Shock Rifle Arkarion 25 53 8.0
Chainsaw Panther 10 124 15.0
Translocator Panther 5 210 46.4

Most Career Deaths by a Weapon
Weapon Player Deaths Matches Hours
Sniper Rifle The_Kid 675 139 19.1
Flak Cannon The_Kid 450 166 28.6
Minigun The_Kid 266 135 18.1
Rocket Launcher The_Kid 229 85 9.6
Redeemer Panther 137 166 28.6
Enforcer Deuce 110 60 4.1
Pulse Gun Deuce 78 37 2.7
Double Enforcer Deuce 72 60 4.1
Impact Hammer Deuce 54 37 2.7
Ripper Panther 46 89 9.6
ASMD Shock Rifle The_Kid 45 139 19.1
GES Bio Rifle Baudzilla 23 100 24.9
Enhanced Shock Rifle Panther 19 9 2.9
Chainsaw Deuce 3 5 1.5
Translocator Deuce 2 5 1.5

Most Career Deaths While Holding a Weapon
Weapon Player Deaths Matches Hours
Enforcer Deuce 579 43 2.9
Rocket Launcher The_Kid 332 139 19.1
Flak Cannon The_Kid 309 166 28.6
Sniper Rifle Panther 259 139 19.1
Minigun The_Kid 205 139 19.1
ASMD Shock Rifle The_Kid 197 139 19.1
Ripper The_Kid 147 85 9.6
Impact Hammer Muze 137 76 11.5
Pulse Gun The_Kid 128 139 19.1
Double Enforcer Deuce 112 104 15.8
GES Bio Rifle The_Kid 55 85 9.6
Redeemer The_Kid 42 85 9.6
Enhanced Shock Rifle Arkarion 13 53 8.0
Chainsaw Panther 6 8 2.0
Translocator Panther 6 54 10.4

Most Career Suicides
Cause Player Suicides Matches Hours
Redeemer Panther 79 85 9.6
Rocket Launcher The_Kid 77 85 9.6
Unknown The_Kid 69 109 12.2
Corroded Baudzilla 61 46 3.8
Fell Panther 58 85 9.6
SpecialDamage Panther 48 166 28.6
Shredded Baudzilla 44 46 3.8
Electrocuted Panther 20 85 9.6
Impact Baudzilla 16 66 5.3
Flak Cannon The_Kid 16 108 12.1
Jolted Baudzilla 13 56 9.4
Decapitated Baudzilla 12 17 1.0
Burned Panther 10 127 22.5
Mortared Arkarion 5 12 0.6
GrenadeDeath Arkarion 4 88 21.0
Drowned Arkarion 3 56 9.4
Suicided Teddron 2 40 6.9
Eradicated Baudzilla 2 56 9.4
Crushed Deuce 2 68 10.4
Shot Baudzilla 1 6 0.5
Ripper Baudzilla 1 44 5.6
jumped The_Kid 1 60 9.4
Exploded Baudzilla 1 106 29.6