UnrealUS UT2004 Downloads


ut2004-win64-3369.zip9.2MUT2004 3369 patch for Windows 64-bit
ut2004-winpatch3369.exe 13MUT2004 3369 patch for Windows
UT2004MegaPack.exe201MUT2004 Mega Pack
UTMapPack1.rar288MUT2004 UnrealUS Map Pack 1

*** Installation Notes ***

1. Install Unreal Tournament 2004.
2. Install ut2004-winpatch3369.exe.
3. Install UT2004MegaPack.exe.
4. Extract ut2004-win64-3369.zip to your UT2004\System directory.
5. Extract UTMapPack1.rar to "UT2004\Maps".
7. Edit UT2004\System\UT2004.ini and change the MasterServerList line to:
8. Launch UT2004 via the UT2004-win64.exe executable.